Sunday, August 28, 2005


::::one baseball team story::::
I feel complicated now because there was an event in my hometown.
Baseball is one of the most popular sports in Japan. Every year, there is a big baseball game, "Koushien" for high school baseball players.
Each only one team of Tokyo, Hokkaido, and all the prefectures, can take part in Koushien. There are more than 4000 teams in Japan, but the number of high school team that go in for Koushien is only 49 teams!!! In addition, high school that can capture the championship pennant of Koushien is ONLY ONE team of all teams in Japan!! I am a big fan of Koushien. Every year, I am so impressed by it, and I fluctuate between hope and despair with is a drama without scenario!!

Last year, my hometown's team, Komazawa, Tomakomai team attended the game, and won the first prize!!!!!!!!! It was so impressive thing because it was the first time that Hokkaido team won in long long history of Koushien. Hokkaido is north island. In winter, Hokkaido has a big snow, so teams of Hokkaido can't practice baseball as well as those of other prefectures. It is believed that Hokkiado teams are much weaker. But Komazawa team proved that it was wrong;D!!! They broke common sense of baseball!! Even if the ground was deeply covered with snow, they play baseball on deep snow. This team gives us emotion and courage. Players of the team were treated as like celebrities:)

This year, Komazawa took part in Koushien again, and fought against many powerful players to win two consecutive championships! Most people didn't so well expect that they won again. But Komazawa beaten favorite team and won the championship again!!! In my hometown, at the moment they won, fireworks were launched. We danced madly for joy!!!! Komazawa is the sixth high school that achieve two consecutive championship in the history, and it is in 57 years!!!!!!!!!!
Don't you think it is great!??? There were a great number of people around special papers:D People made merry!!! My house is near to Komazawa high school, and it takes about 1~2 minutes from my house to there, and the dormitory of players is near too. A good deal of people come there to take pics;D!!

However, there was an was found out that one teacher often hit one student of Komazawa team. In addition, Komazawa tried to hide those violence!! News picked up this scandal, and journalists rushed Komazawa high school....Such news fussed that the League of High School Baseball would confiscate their title as champion!! We were disappointed;( Their parade was postponed. Many people felt that it was unfair because wrong person was teacher, not students!! But the rumor went out of control, and we can't judge what is right and what is wrong. I thought that it was incorrect that the third parties stirred their honor. At a burst, we felt depressed, and wished the League wouldn't forfeit their title. Komazawa's achivement never change whatever happen!!!!!!

Yesterday, the League dicided that it was NOT necessary to return their championship cup and pennant because it was not students' false...When I heard it, I jumped with joy, and I thought it was a good judgement:D!!! Finally, Komazawa became real winner!!!!!
But the aftertaste of Koushien was a little bad due to such scandal. Besides, I heard many rumor, and I am losing what right things are. The opinions of victim and teacher were different. The League decided that the teacher who hit a student should quite his job. But I heard that the teacher was so nice person, and many students wanted him not to resign. Of course, there are a lot of faithful news, but I think that some news makes such scandal bigger, and it dosen't always tell us the truth....I want proper information...I don't know what is right even now.

Anyway, I like Komazawa, and I will continue to cheer the team;D!!!!

Go Komazawa! Go!!!


At 9:03 PM, August 30, 2005, Blogger Lavinia said...

That looks like a whole lot of fun. I'm not one for sports myself. I used to do Javelin and I was a cheerleader in highschool.

At 1:14 AM, August 31, 2005, Blogger max said...



今、勉強のために、Battle Royaleを見て、reportを書いています。今度、時間あったら、二回世界大戦ことをクラスの友達に、日本の感慨を教えてしたいです。「本から読みました。」



At 1:19 AM, August 31, 2005, Blogger max said...




At 1:25 AM, August 31, 2005, Blogger max said...

電郵は いっしゅんけん@やほお。c o m

At 1:49 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger Tim said...

Hi Haruna -

I enjoyed reading your blog. You speak excellent English!

I'm from America, but now I live in Hokkaido. It was so exciting when Tomakomai won the baseball championship! Also, I went to Shiretoko recently too, and climbed Rausu-dake. There were so many deer. I couldn't believe it.

I'm studying Japanese, but "boku no nihongo wa mada heta desu."

Maybe you can teach me Japanese someday!


At 2:13 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger HARUNA said...

Thanks. I'm very proud of Komazawa high school;) Yatta~!!
You DON'T know baseball rule? Incredible:O!!
Did you play baseball or softball in your high school or junior high school? I thought that all Japanese knew baseball rule.....

I like watching cheerleaders' dance. It's so exciting!! I played Javelin just once...My record was 30 meter....Too bad:P

You are a hard worker, aren't you? I identified you are a huge fan of Japan. You may know Japan more than me...LOL
Yeah~!! Natto! I bet you will like it!

Thank you for joing my blog:)
I positively remenber you;D
I hope you will check my blog again!!
Nice to see you:)

Hi! Tim:)
Thanks for reading!!
I think that your Japanese is very good too!!! Very natural!
Which city do you live in Hokkaido? Is it Sapporo?

I don't know if I am good at teaching Japanese, but I'll do my best! LOL

At 2:40 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger Tim said...

I live in Utashinai - it's a small city between Sapporo and Asahikawa, near Takikawa. Actually, it's the smallest city in all of Japan.

I really like living in Hokkaido because of the beautiful mountains and friendly people, but I want to travel all over the world someday - we have the same dream!

Do you live in Sapporo?

At 6:51 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger saurav said...

nice post....though i dont know the rules of baseball....

At 6:58 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger HARUNA said...

I love Hokkaido too. I think that it is the greatest in Japan!!!!

I live in Tomakomai!! It is very near to Komazawa high school:D It takes only one or two minute;)!!

Thanx;D What is popular sport in your country? Playing and watching baseball is a lot of fan!!!

At 11:40 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger Lavinia said...

Wow 30 meters for javelin? You're a champion. I've always believed that javelin is the sport for goddesses^_^

You go girl! Update soon, I'm craving Japan knowledge:)

At 11:24 AM, September 02, 2005, Blogger HARUNA said...

Maybe I made a mistake!
My record was 13 meters. LOL!!
My memory is not reliable...I'm also not sure if the record of 13 meters is right...
Huge mistake!!!! I'm so sorry.

Thanks for your comment, Lavinia;)


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